Top-ten 2020 coach Deniero B brings you The Remote CEO: the staple podcast of the lifestyle business. The show empowers business owners with tools and systems that put their mental health, productivity, adventure, and self-actualization back on top of their priority list. With amazing interviews and actionable tips, every time you tune in, you‘ll be one step closer to building the business and the lifestyle of your dreams.

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
391: Tasks you need to automate ASAP
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Do you respect your time?
If you do, you'd realize how much time you're likely wasting on menial tasks that can be easily executed by software.⠀ ⠀
A study showed that 72% of workers (it includes business owners) feel like they work too much. But one of the first things I do with my clients when we start our coaching program is to automate all the repetitive and dull tasks.⠀ ⠀
One of my clients was spending about 50 minutes a day cleaning their email inbox, 30 minutes posting on social media, and just as much copying and pasting data from emails to spreadsheets.⠀ ⠀
After a week of implementing the automation, we were able to shave off over almost two full hours off his workday. That's 9 hours a week!!!⠀ ⠀
When you feel overwhelmed, take a step back and ask yourself, can anyone else or anything else do this job for me?⠀ ⠀
This simple question can save you time and stress!

Monday Jul 06, 2020
390: If you can't see yourself succeed first, it won't happen
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
A few years ago, I was future blind. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. Then I came across a few books that changed my life, and I was able to visualize almost everything that I wanted. Sure enough, within months, I started experiencing some of the things I had planned for myself.⠀ ⠀
Can you imagine yourself in a few years? How do you look like? Where do you live? What do you do? Who's beside you?⠀ ⠀
The more detailed your visualizations are, the more your mind will shift to accommodate the new version of yourself. I know it sounds crazy... but if you think about it, everything that humankind has created came from a thought first.⠀ ⠀
Don't underestimate the power of visualization. Even if you don't believe in it now, why don't you just give it a try for a couple of months?⠀ ⠀
You have nothing to lose and the life of your dreams to gain...

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
389: Interview with Susan Meier
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
In this episode of The Remote CEO Show, I had the pleasure to interview Susan Hamilton Meier. Susan is a brand strategist and visual artist and the founder of Susan Meier Studio. Susan has designed a set of processes and tools that get teams to problem-solve more creatively. Today we’ll be talking about creativity, how to unlock creativity, how to use it to thrive in the business world.

Friday Jul 03, 2020
388: Life hacks to increase your productivity
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
387: You can't build a reputation with only paid ads
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
You can't build a reputation with only paid ads
I love digital ads, but...⠀ ⠀
If your goal is to create a lasting brand, you can't just rely on Google Ads or Facebook Ads.⠀ ⠀
Or better... you could, but it would cost you millions of dollars, and your small business probably can't afford that.⠀
When you are starting, you need to get your brand name out there with content creation.⠀ ⠀
And I am not only talking about a blog post a week. I am talking about an omnichannel approach. Use video, images, audio, text, and anything in between.⠀
Give your audience the ability to consume your content in any way they want to.⠀
If you do that regularly, you will turn into a point of reference in your niche.⠀ At that point, every single penny that you spend on paid advertising will give you a much higher ROI.⠀ ⠀
That's because ads will simply act as a megaphone for the voice that was already there.

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
386: Tips on How to sell more
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Actually, enough with the tips ;)⠀ ⠀
I have been coaching salespeople and business owners for a bit now, and I can tell when someone is using "learning" as an excuse for not doing their job.⠀ ⠀
If you think you are part of that group, here's what you can do: turn your job into a fun game and PLAY IT.⠀ ⠀
A sales job is one of a few careers that you can genuinely gamefy! You get to talk to people all day, and the way you think, sound, and move can influence the outcome of your conversation.⠀ ⠀
One of my clients worked in computer sales and was frustrated because people didn't understand his technical talk.⠀ ⠀
I helped him rephrase his pitch to make it more "human" and told him to practice with his colleagues. We also agreed to believe that every "no" he was going to get was more fuel in his "sales tank." More fuel meant more trial closes and more follow-ups.⠀ ⠀
That's all it took!!! A couple of tweaks to how he saw his job and his sales soared by 250%.⠀
Don't overcomplicate your life!!!

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
385: Build a team of world-class players
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
I still can't stand offices!!!⠀
Maybe it's just me, but I can't even think about driving (or commuting) for hours every day so that I can sit in room and work.⠀
When I started my business, and I started hiring staff members, I knew I only wanted remote workers.⠀
There's a ton of reasons why I wanted it to be that way. But one of them is the fact that I get to choose my talent from 5 continents!!!⠀
While my competitors are trying to figure out how to find the best salesperson in their city, I am wondering how I can attract world-class players.⠀
Sure, I don't get to walk into my employee's cubical to see if they're "doing their job," but there are a ton of tools I use to keep my staff engaged, accountable, and productive.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
384: How to develop a growth mindset
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
I thought I had a learning disability.⠀ ⠀ When I was 24, I couldn't even read a book for more than 2 minutes. I used to look at my friends and wonder how they were able to keep good jobs or even buy a car.⠀ It felt awful because I wanted to do much more, but my mind couldn't.⠀ ⠀ Then one day, I learned about the concept of growth mindset, and it all made sense. I never had the chance to get good at something. I always gave up before I could get better.⠀ That's when I started reading and writing every day. It was so hard!!! But I didn't care because I was not doing it to succeed in that exact moment. I was doing it for my future self.⠀ ⠀ The crazy thing about a growth mindset is that you can't prove it exists until you are deep in it. So you just gotta trust the process at the beginning. It's kinda like going to the gym for the first time. ⠀ ⠀ If you can stick to your new mindset for a few months, you will fall in love with it.⠀ Life is a very long game, so you might as well play it and get good at it.

Saturday Jun 27, 2020
383: Interview with John Vuong
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
In this episode of The Remote CEO Show, I had the pleasure to interview John Vuong. He is the owner and founder of Local SEO Search. He helps small and medium-sized businesses rank on Google and dominate their local market. John puts a strong emphasis on relationships and treats his client’s like family, wanting to not only help them rank but to help their business grow and succeed.

Friday Jun 26, 2020
382: The Key To Success Is Consistent Hard Work
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
You don't deserve to be successful.⠀ ⠀
Nobody does really. We just have to work for it every single day. And if we stop trying, we just fall back into our previous situation.⠀ ⠀
When I got started, I used to try squeezing as many things in my calendar as possible. I got stuff done for the first week, but after a few days, I'd be burned out and didn't do almost anything for weeks in a row.⠀ ⠀
Something needed to change; I finally decided to spread my to-do list across all seven days of the week. I felt overwhelmed at first because I didn't have an "off day," but I realized right away that my schedule was a lot more manageable.