Top-ten 2020 coach Deniero B brings you The Remote CEO: the staple podcast of the lifestyle business. The show empowers business owners with tools and systems that put their mental health, productivity, adventure, and self-actualization back on top of their priority list. With amazing interviews and actionable tips, every time you tune in, you‘ll be one step closer to building the business and the lifestyle of your dreams.

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
411: Need More Customers? Create more content!
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Say "YES" if you want more clients now.
So many people want clients, but most people wait on the sidelines for them.
The problem is that the more you wait, the more you become irrelevant.
If you want to grow your business, you need to create content and turn your company into a media machine.
Pick the 4 or 5 key topics that represent your brand. Create informative, entertaining, and inspiring content around those topics. Show up every day for years.
Do this, and you will become a staple in your industry.
In the beginning, people will notice you and will read your content. They may not need you now, but they will have you top of mind.
When you create content, you move your audience from 1) not aware, to 2) aware but not interested, to 3) interested but not ready to buy, and finally, 4) ready to buy.

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
410: Sales Techniques: Get prospects asking to work with you
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
What's stopping you from getting more clients?
I used to run my sales calls as if I was desperate for my prospects to buy from me. And, of course, I was struggling.
No one will buy from you when you sound desperate. Would you buy a car if the salesperson told you: "please, we really need more buyers!!! We haven't sold this model lately. Can you help us out?.."
You'd think, "Where's the door?! I need to get out of here!"
The same goes for your sales calls. You don't say those exact words, but your tone and demeanor show those feelings.
It's time for you to flip the script around.
First, serve a few core clients to the best of your abilities, and once you have blown their expectations out of the water, ask them for testimonials.
Then, on your next discovery call with a new prospect, start by establishing credibility and showing your social proof.
Make it VERY clear with your prospects that you do not work with everyone. You only take on clients who you know will have amazing results. Then book a second call.
After that, run all the numbers, do the research. If the prospect is a good fit, get on the second call, explain your gameplan, and give them a time-sensitive offer.
And also... Remember to sound excited, not desperate!

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Why automation is the secret weapon for your business?
When I started my journey in the early 2010s, I felt the first real sense of freedom. I was in control of my schedule, and I still had free time.
As time went on, I onboarded new clients, and my freedom shrunk, and I felt like I was in a cage.
I was working 12 hour days. I started getting anxiety, and I had no idea how to get my life back.
One day I was so fed up that I decided to map out my entire workflow to find out how I could systematize it.
To my surprise, 75% of my work consisted of the same five actions: 1) outreach for sales, 2)optimizing ads, 3)posting to social media, 4)answering emails 5) managing projects.
I was pumped. Now I needed to go online and look for the automation tools to help me get work done. So I spent the next two weeks researching the best software.
The results were fantastic. I ended up automating the majority of the work. That process alone, saved me at least 4 hours a day and left me with a lot more energy and focus. Now I could tackle the tasks that required my attention.
Do you feel like you're on a hamster wheel? If you do, take the time to break the cycle!!! Find a way to clean up your to-do list and automate as much as you can.
Your future self will love you for it.

Monday Jul 27, 2020
408: How to Be More DISCIPLINED - Ways to Master Self Control
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020

Saturday Jul 25, 2020
407: Interview with Raitis Purins
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
On this episode of The Remote CEO Show, I had the pleasure to interview Raitis Purins, the head of marketing at Printful. For those who don’t know what Printful is yet, it’s one of the biggest print-on-demand startups that allows you to create all sorts of custom products for you clients, without having an inventory. Prinful has over 600 employees now and several fulfillment centers and no matter what your business model is, you can find a way to incorporate their service in your business.

Friday Jul 24, 2020
406: How Procrastination (slowly) Ruins Your Life
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Do you want to know how procrastination ruins your life? Then this is the right video for you!
In my neighborhood in Toronto, there is a very nice mustang. It's been parked in the same underground garage spot for the past two years (or more).
When I first noticed it, it was shiny, and it looked awesome. Then a couple of weeks later, I already started noticing a light film of dust on it. As the weeks went by, the windows got dirtier and dirtier until you couldn't see the interior.
After the first year, we started noticing rust near the wheels, and the last time I saw it, it looked like a car that belonged in a scrapyard.
We are all like that car. We are ready to get on the road and do what every car is supposed to do. But some people choose to stay parked for a day or two. Then days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months, and next thing you know, you don't even feel like you have what it takes to get out there and chase your dreams.
You turn rusty, like a parked car, and when the rust shows up, you lose even that little confidence you had in the first place.
Procrastination is a silent killer. It doesn't tell you it's taking your dreams apart until it's too late.
Set your own boundaries, and when you catch yourself delaying your goals, break that negative streak, and get back on the horse as soon as you can.
I know that getting stuff done is not easy, but seeing your goals vanish is even harder!

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
405: How To Write Perfect Cold Emails That Get You Featured
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Wondering how to write cold emails that get you featured?
Do you need more authority in the market?
So you have a great product, but the problem is that the majority of people don't know you yet.
Aside from a couple of testimonials, you want to create some buzz around what you do, and the best way to do it is by getting your brand featured on print or online magazines.
But the thought of hiring a PR firm can be scary. You don't want to spend thousands of dollars in the hopes that you get a couple of articles talking about you.
So here's a simple step-by-step process that will help you get your brand message out there.
The first thing you need to do is finding the right press outlets in your niche. Each niche will have several blogs, magazines, and channels you can contact.
But wait a minute! Before contacting them, you need to have a list of reasons why they should write about you. The best way to do it is to come up with several stories that talk about your product (or service) in an inspiring way. Every product can have several stories covering different angles.
Now it's time to write your first cold emails to reporters and journalists, but it's not the right time to pitch yet. The first message is a way to build rapport. Talk about their past articles, show interest in their work. Tell them that you will share their work with your network (and actually do it).
Once you initiated the relationship, you can introduce your product and pitch it with the stories and the angles. If you have done this process correctly, you should have a list of reporters in your niche and a series of potential articles that talk about you and your brand.

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
404: 4 Simple Steps To Close A Sales Deal 🤝
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Closing a sales deal is NOT as complicated as you think. Follow these 4 simple steps to close a sales deal!
Do you struggle with sales?
If you do, it's time to get back to the basics. There are a ton of different gurus out there that like to overcomplicate this topic because they need to create content around it, and even if you could talk about it for days on end, there are only a few points worth mentioning.
The first one is that you can't sell someone if they are not in buying mode, or if they don't need your product. That's why pre-qualifying a lead is crucial. Your goal is not to spend one hour with each of your leads, but it's too spend more time with those who are interested and have buying power.
Once you know you have a chance to close a deal, it's time to ask as many questions as possible. This is the step that a lot of rookie salespeople get wrong. They like to talk about their product too much, and that bores the prospects to death!!! Remember, people want to talk about themselves and their businesses. Ask away, and you will get all the information you need.
Once the prospect opened up, you should have enough info to put together a few sentences that will position your product as the only viable solution for them. You can do this by using features and benefits, social proof, authority, etc.
Once your client starts asking buying questions, you know that they are sold, so stop selling and start closing. This is not the time to socialize, but it's time to coach the prospect. Help them through the hard task of making a buying decision. You may have to ask for the business multiple times, but don't worry, it's all part of the process!

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
403: How To Build Systems and Processes In Your Business
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
If you want to be more scalable you need to know how to build systems in your business.
Do you have staff in your business?
Let's be clear. You can't grow your business alone, and if you follow this page, I know that you want to make an impact!
But hiring people can be confusing, and if you don't do it the right way, you could make your entire business collapse.
Here are a few rules you can start following today that will help you. Before hiring someone, you need to know precisely what that person is supposed to do. You can't set an employee up without giving them proper instructions, a list of tasks, and a clear set of expectations.
You can come up with all the right information by writing down everything that your business needs to operate, from emailing clients to paying bills and everything in between.
As you list all the actions, make sure to ask yourself, "If I didn't know anything about this topic, what instructions would I need?"
This question will help you with creating all the training and collaterals you need to run your new system smoothly.
Always remember to create these systems as if you were managing 100 people. That way, you will push yourself to standardize as many processes as possible!

Monday Jul 20, 2020
402:DOPAMINE DETOX: Trick Your Brain To Love Doing Hard Things
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020